Join our Team
Join our Team
We are always eager to add dedicated members to our Team!
Our application process is relatively straightforward. You will be asked to fill out a form detailing your contact information, radio communication capabilities you currently have, and whether you have had training in various emergency procedures. Once the membership votes to accept you onto our team, you will be issued a unit number. While awaiting membership approval, you are welcome to join us for any activities we may be involved in.
We typically deploy for non-emergency operations about six times a year. We also participate in the ARRL Field Day and have assisted with the HamCom amateur radio convention held in Plano, Texas. We have monthly metings along with an annual meeting (November) each year and a Christmas dinner/meeting in December.
We encourage participation in routine team operations but you don't need to attend every function. The benefit of regular participation is that we all become accustomed to working with each other. However, it is most important that our volunteers be available to serve during times of real emergencies.
Membership dues are $35 plus $10 liability insurance per year.
If you are interested in joining Dallas County REACT, please plan to attend our next monthly meeting.